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I Prescribe Coumadin (Warfarin)

INR Management services for your patients on long-term Coumadin therapy

To Refer A Patient

Our clinical program addresses the INR management challenges or obstacles that may impact the result through weekly self-testing monitoring and dosage management services. Rather than simply distributing supplies and recording results, our partners recognize our INR Management Program as an opportunity to centralize their operational challenges (time and resources) and off-load them to our expanded clinical services. 


Benefits for our healthcare partners:

  • Patient self-testing service includes initial meter training by our clinical staff along with on-going support to ensure successful patient testing


  • Comprehensive data and reporting tools to ensure "Real-Time" visibility and immediate notification of INR results and data to the physician and/or health plan (on-line portal, fax, phone and email)


  • A centralized INR management approach, utilizing a team of pharmacists and clinical staff to provide oversight and management of Coumadin patients - these enhanced services are not currently being offered by other self-testing companies and are available for you and your patients

    • Dosage Management Services (optional) ​

    • Medication Management Review (optional)


  • Compliance/adherence focused; we address the conditions and challenges that impact the INR result. Our team of healthcare professionals provide clinical guardrails around the process to ensure optimum compliance and safe transition of patients.


  • Case management support - we facilitate a connection of the patient with the rest of the healthcare team


Did you know that Medicare and many private health plans now approve and support patient self-testing for people on long-term Coumadin therapy with medical conditions such as:


  • Mechanical Heart Valve

  • Chronic Atrial Fibrillation

  • Pulmonary Embolism 

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis

  • Venous Thromboembolism


Now with patient self-testing, your patients can check their PT/INR in the privacy and comfort of their home or while traveling. Typically, insurances allow or cover up to 52 PT/INR self-tests per year (or once a week).


Requirements of self-testing:


  • Patient has been on Coumadin/Warfarin for a minimum of 90 days (3 months) for one of the medical conditions listed above.                                                                                                                                

  • Someone who has the manual and visual ability to perform a self-test or has a committed support person to assist with regular testing                                                                                                                            

  • As their physician, you believe the patient is a good candidate for patient self-testing and provide a completed prescription form to Real-Time Diagnostics

  • Patient is compliant and willing to test consistent with your prescribed testing preferences    


Call us today 1-866-662-7897

​25211Dequindre,Madison Heights MI 48071

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Created & Designed By CJ Gardner 2017 Summer Intern

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